Christian Education Classes for Children
-- Often known as "Sunday School" --
Pre-K (3 yrs to Kindergarten)
Located in the basement classroom (access from the stairway by the water fountain on the main floor).
First and Second Grades
Located on the 2nd Floor in Room 21: From the main entrance follow the hallway straight to the stairway. Walk to the end of the hallway. Room 21 will be the last room on the right.
Third through Fifth Grade
Located on the second floor of the education wing in Room 26. From the main entrance walk to the end of the hall and take the stairway to the second floor. Room 26 will be the first classroom on the left.
Sixth Through Eighth
Located on the second floor in Room 22: From the main entrance walk straight to the stairway to the second floor. Room 22 will be the last room on the left at the end of the hall.
Ninth through Twelfth Grades
Located on the second floor in Room 25. From the main entrance walk straight to the stairway to the second floor. Classroom is first room on right.